Here you can find links to the pages of churches in the area. Opening hours, addresses and other contact information should be found there.

On the church's website, you will probably have to use your own translation tool.

I hope you find the destination you want.

The Rautjärvi church was destroyed in a fire on Christmas Day 2022. Here is a link to other churches in the Ruokolahti area.

Of the churches in Imatra, the Three Crosses Church, designed by architect Alvar Aalto, is perhaps the best known internationally.

You can find information about Parikkala's churches here.

Perhaps the most special of Lappeenranta's churches is the Lauritsala church.

You can find the churches of Lemi, Savitaipale and Taipalsaari here. I got interested in these while looking for the Jugend-style church in Savitaipale, which I haven't visited yet.

Information about Luumäki church can be easily found here.

Orthodox churches can be found behind the link in the "yhteystiedot" tab.